Πέμπτη 28 Ιουνίου 2012


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Κυριακή 24 Ιουνίου 2012

En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer

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En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer
En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer
En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer
En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer
Vous ne disposez pas de maquette
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pour 19.90€ seulement
En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer
Utilisation : extérieur
Applications : évènementiel, animation commerciale, décoration façade, spectacle, manifestations sportives, expositions, décoration urbaine, concerts, manifestations culturelles, signalétique, événementiel, promotion .
En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer
En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer En été la banderole un bon moyen pour communiquer

Tél: 33(0) de 09h00 à 12h00 et 14h00 à 18h00
email: contact@votrebanderole.com Site: www.votrebanderole.com
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Παρασκευή 22 Ιουνίου 2012


Untitled Document

Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2012

From Mrs. Aisha Moammar Gadhafi

Dear Beloved,
Pardon my unsolicited email to you. I am only desperate and the only way to relieve my mind is to talk to somebody with believe that you will reason with me. What happened in my life was not my making because I was born with the golden spoon and it had remained there till when the crisis started last year. I do not wish you to judge me for what I did not do because I was born into the family with everything and that did not give me the opportunity to see the other side of life. I wish you to see me as a desperate mother who needs your help for the safety and future of her children. I have 3 children and with the way things are going they might end up begging on the street if nothing is done fast. My name is Aisha Moammar Gadhafi, the daughter of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. I do not wish to go into details about my father, he was a great man I must confess but all that was yesterday.
I am seeking your assistance to help me secure some funds and houses my father gave to me. The united Nation has already sized everything in United Kingdom and the United States but we have a very strong connection in other parts of Europe that we have funds that are still well secured which I wish you to remove for me and integrate it to your bank account. There are also good properties I will wish to sell as soon as possible to enable me secure the fund because the United Nations will definitely find out since my father friend is no longer in government. I will send you the documents to the properties but the most important is to secure the fund from the finance/fiduciary house as soon as possible. I will not disclose the amount until I have the confidence that you will help me as requested. Please what happened in Libya was not my making and plead you do use it against me because I could not change it even if I wanted to.
I am presently in Algeria with close monitoring by the government because they believe I have violation of an exile agreement with Algeria to refrain from any political and financial activity. I therefore urge you to open communication with my British lawyer Mr. Tyler Hess who is currently in London on his personal email: tyler.hess65@yahoo.es  Based on my current refugee situation in Algeria and sensitive nature of this deal I chose to remain anonymous until this deal is finalized.
My lawyer shall give you details of how we can proceed.
I look forward to your immediate response.
Best regards,
Aisha Moammar Gadhafi (Mrs.)

Τρίτη 19 Ιουνίου 2012

From Mrs. Aisha Moammar Gadhafi

Dear Beloved,
Pardon my unsolicited email to you. I am only desperate and the only way to relieve my mind is to talk to somebody with believe that you will reason with me. What happened in my life was not my making because I was born with the golden spoon and it had remained there till when the crisis started last year. I do not wish you to judge me for what I did not do because I was born into the family with everything and that did not give me the opportunity to see the other side of life. I wish you to see me as a desperate mother who needs your help for the safety and future of her children. I have 3 children and with the way things are going they might end up begging on the street if nothing is done fast. My name is Aisha Moammar Gadhafi, the daughter of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. I do not wish to go into details about my father, he was a great man I must confess but all that was yesterday.
I am seeking your assistance to help me secure some funds and houses my father gave to me. The united Nation has already sized everything in United Kingdom and the United States but we have a very strong connection in other parts of Europe that we have funds that are still well secured which I wish you to remove for me and integrate it to your bank account. There are also good properties I will wish to sell as soon as possible to enable me secure the fund because the United Nations will definitely find out since my father friend is no longer in government. I will send you the documents to the properties but the most important is to secure the fund from the finance/fiduciary house as soon as possible. I will not disclose the amount until I have the confidence that you will help me as requested. Please what happened in Libya was not my making and plead you do use it against me because I could not change it even if I wanted to.
I am presently in Algeria with close monitoring by the government because they believe I have violation of an exile agreement with Algeria to refrain from any political and financial activity. I therefore urge you to open communication with my British lawyer Mr. Tyler Hess who is currently in London on his personal email: tyler.hess65@yahoo.es  Based on my current refugee situation in Algeria and sensitive nature of this deal I chose to remain anonymous until this deal is finalized.
My lawyer shall give you details of how we can proceed.
I look forward to your immediate response.
Best regards,
Aisha Moammar Gadhafi (Mrs.)

Δευτέρα 18 Ιουνίου 2012

Dans quelques jours pensez vos supports de communication

Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement cet e-mail cliquez ici pour l'afficher dans votre navigateur
Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez
à vos supports de communication
Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication
Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication
Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication
Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication Dans quelques jours l’été, pensez  à vos supports de communication

Finies les contraintes d’accrochage ! Avec ce support autoportant et recto-verso, installez facilement et rapidement vos banderoles où que vous soyez !

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rapidement. Transport facile grâce à sa sacoche.

Tél: 33(0) de 09h00 à 12h00 et 14h00 à 18h00
email: contact@votrebanderole.com Site: www.votrebanderole.com
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Τετάρτη 13 Ιουνίου 2012